August 9th, 2011 1:00am

Infinite Earth Versions

Cymbals Eat Guitars “The Current”

“The Current” is rather epic for a song that barely cracks the two minute mark. For the first minute and a half, the song is all forward momentum and delicate gesture, with subtle rhythms and instrumental harmonies that recall Sonic Youth in Daydream Nation mode and Radiohead’s fixation with atmospheric arpeggios on In Rainbows. Once the song cycles through all its twist and turns, Joseph D’Agostino sings a brief passage that comes out sounding like a sci-fi prayer. He relaxes his mind by imagining a multiverse full of infinite alternate versions of himself, and thinking that among those countless iterations of his life, there’s at least one duplicate of himself without any problems. It’s a humbling, calming thought. And then there’s silence.

Buy it from Amazon.

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