June 2nd, 2023 2:57pm

Now That The Story Is Over

Locate S,1 “You Were Right About One Thing”

“You Were Right About One Thing” is a 70s-style country rock ballad, but it’s not some off-the-rack pastiche. Christina Schneider tailors the sound precisely, bending it into the distinctive shape of a Locate S,1 song – slightly jagged rhythms, interesting meter choices, and lyrics that approach very emotional subjects with some post-modern distance without diluting the sentiment with heavy irony. This sound works really well for her, I think in part because it’s so immediately pleasing to the ear that it smooths out some of her more contrary impulses as a writer. It’s also just a lovely setting for her voice, which is typically pretty high and sits comfortably with all the treble in the arrangement.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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