May 30th, 2023 9:04pm

Two Heartbeats Beating Way Too Loud

Jam City featuring Empress Of “Wild N Sweet”

“Wild N Sweet” is a bop. It’s a major glorious summertime bop, and I need to tell you that right away because it would be dumb to bury that lede and risk you skimming over the point. Jam City’s arrangement doesn’t reinvent the EDM pop wheel but the craft level is very high, carefully calibrating its joyous energy so every part of it feels like candy, but the peak of the sugar rush of the drop doesn’t come til over two minutes into it. Empress Of’s vocal is pretty sweet too, initially coming off kinda innocent but as the song moves along it’s more like very earnest horniness. The lyrics are basically about hooking up with someone you barely know and feeling extremely alive in the moment, but also feeling a bit of tension as you don’t really know how discrete they want to be. She repeats “can you keep a promise?” several times through the song, but it’s not some anxious thing ruining the fun. She sounds optimistic and trusting more than anything else.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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