April 28th, 2022 8:35pm

Backwards And Forward With You

Blunt Chunks “BWFW”

You can feel the big fuzz alt-rock chorus coming in the first verse of “BWFW,” and not just in terms of genre convention expectations. The song starts pretty clean, like it could definitely go in some other musical direction, but there’s just this menacing thing looming in the background that finally makes its way to the foreground to crush everything in sight. Caitlin Woelfle-O’Brien is singing about having a bad time with someone she’s barely even in a relationship with, and while the lyrics are addressed to someone else it’s pretty clear that they’re not listening and wouldn’t care. That tension really works for the song, where it seems like the real point is her realizing she’s stuck in a dead end.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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