February 16th, 2022 2:27am

Some Way To Keep Me In Your Mind

Black Country, New Road “Good Will Hunting”

It’s interesting how Isaac Wood’s vocals in Black Country, New Road songs sound both witholding and nakedly emotional, as though he’s doing his best to be aloof or stoic and he’s just constantly failing. We’re always catching him as the facade shatters, a shy person suddenly thrust into the spotlight of some movie scored by a bunch of people who wholeheartedly embrace the ornate melodrama of 2000s indie rock. “Good Will Hunting” turns a small moment of Wood imagining an idealized future for a relationship that clearly doesn’t have one into something gloriously bombastic in its sentiment. As the music raises the stakes Wood’s imagery gets more over the top and switches film genres entirely, tossing the sweet summers in France of the first verse for imagining the two of them on a burning starship, and an epic separation across the galaxy. And as huge and overblown as the song gets, it never quite loses the thread of this all just being a guy making a lot out of not much at all and basically just torturing himself.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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