April 13th, 2021 1:50pm

There’s No Question That I Love You

Drea the Vibes Dealer “Save Me”

“Save Me” has the feeling of being unable to fall asleep in an incredibly comfortable bed. The feel of the track is loose and relaxed in a jazzy coffee shop sort of way, but the composition is spiked with bits of anxious energy and features a lead vocal that’s a bit like lying there unable to turn off your mind because it’s stuck in obsessive loops. Drea the Vibes Dealer is singing about a pure love that’s tied up in interpersonal complexities, her lyrics seem to move through the steps of logic and clauses while always coming back to simple, blunt messages. The backing vocals, apparently also performed by Drea, are a brilliant touch – a nod to girl group innocence, but also an echoey ambiance that complements the more spacey jazz elements of the song.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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