September 12th, 2019 2:21am

Thorn And Stem

La Neve “A Pretty Red”

Imagine someone trying to do early 80s post-punk, The Rapture, “Groove is in the Heart,” and Primal Scream circa their Screamedelica Madchester phase all at once. That’s more or less what’s happening in this song, though it still feels like selling it a bit short. La Neve is throwing together a lot of different but familiar musical ideas and the result is surprising cohesive, thanks largely to a feverish vocal performance that serves as a focal point for the composition. Picture it in cinematic terms – it’s like the camera follows her around as the music is scenery shifting behind her. It wouldn’t work with a less charismatic presence, and you end up hanging on every word without it all needing to make sense. The message of the song is clear enough on the repeated line that stands out the most: “Here I am – a precious gem!”

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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