February 15th, 2017 12:58pm

Ignore The Disapproval

Anna Wise “Coconuts”

Anna Wise’s previous EP was like an awakening – reckoning with sexism and body image, turning against societal bullshit holding her back. “Coconuts,” from her second EP, is further along: Less dogmatic and aggressive, but coming at the same ideas from a far stronger and more assured perspective. The song is relaxed and meditative, with muted horns framing her chill delivery of lyrics that lay out hard truths. Like, say, you don’t have to beholden to other people’s vision of you. And, on a larger scale, the “rules” will change over time. But in the meantime, stick with the good people, and support them. “Coconuts” is low key and not totally obvious, but I think it’s a lot more powerful than what Wise was doing last year. It sounds like the love she wants to encourage.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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