August 13th, 2015 3:52am

Fruit Flies Circle Over Your Open Wine

Princess Reason “Your Divorce”

How do I know this guy’s voice so well? The particular inflections and cadences, the specific sound of the creak in his voice when he reaches for high notes beyond his range. I swear I’ve heard some version of this guy sing in dozens of bands going back 20 years, but I can’t remember the names of any of them. Also, I’m pretty sure he’s just some guy, the way those other guys were just some guy. This is the music that some guy makes, and the music lots of some guys listen to. I’m some guy too, obviously.

I don’t mean to diminish what a good and interesting little song this is. I love the way this band pushes themselves to just beyond their skill level in playing it, and the irregular contours of its structure. The music finds grace in shabbiness, and so do the lyrics – he nails a lot of very vivid concrete details, and he writes around a messy, secretive affair before ending the song by singing “I can’t wait for you to leave New York / I can’t wait for you to get divorced” in a tone that’s cheerful and glib in a way where you know this guy is setting himself up for some huge disappointments.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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