July 16th, 2015 12:56pm

A New Color Of Sky

Gardens & Villa “Fixations”

In simplest terms, “Fixations” sounds like Tame Impala trying to make a Warm Jets/Tiger Mountain-era Brian Eno song, but that’s a bit unfair in that I think this is much better than the vast majority of Tame Impala material. Gardens & Villa certainly have better taste in keyboard tones, and far more interesting lyrical themes – this is basically a meditation on inspiration and trying to avoid anything that would compromise your creativity. I love the call and response part in the chorus – partly because I’m a sucker for early Eno and it’s the most obviously Eno-ish thing in the song, but mostly because it splits the song’s perspective in a way that keeps the sentiment from getting too simplified. “My whole life fixation” gets answered with “see if we can make it underneath the radar,” and I think the implied disconnect between the first and second half of the statement is important, because I don’t think the singers are entirely sure of themselves.

Buy it from Amazon.

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