April 4th, 2013 10:53am

Run To Outer Space

The Flaming Lips “Sun Blows Up Today”

This is The Flaming Lips’ “YOLO” song: Three minutes of joyful, pogoing festival pop with lyrics about the whole world getting together to enjoy the spectacular destruction of the sun, and the world. Wayne Coyne has spent most of his adult life thinking about spectacle and communal activity, and this is the logical conclusion to that thread, to think of literally the spectacle to end all spectacles. But unlike The Terror, the album this song is connected to but does not technically appear on, this is a cheerful and direct piece of music, not something stewing in dread and bad vibes. I suppose there’s some irony to it, but then again, maybe not – Coyne is absolutely the sort of person to greet the end of the world with open arms as long as it’s a good, trippy show.

Buy it from Amazon.

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