December 6th, 2010 10:23am

Describe Your Heart In Detail

Fight Like Apes “Come On, Let’s Talk About Our Feelings”

When MayKay sings the phrase “come on, let’s talk about our feelings,” she is mostly being sarcastic. It’s a defense mechanism, a way of cutting through her own earnestness and sentimentality. The jokes, the irony, the dismissive tone — it’s all about finding a way to deal with having “too many feelings.” No amount of sarcasm could ever extinguish the fire in her voice, or temper the passion in her band’s music. They’re too hyper, too committed, too in love with their bold, colorful alt-rock tunes. This internal conflict and tonal contrast is exactly what makes Fight Like Apes so compelling. It’s that Irish thing, you know? Big bleeding heart, dry cutting wit.

Buy it from Fight Like Apes.

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