November 16th, 2010 9:37am

You Let Her Down Easy

Robyn “Call Your Girlfriend”

This is a song in which Robyn tells you how to break up with your girlfriend because you are in love with Robyn. Norman and Chris have already addressed the novelty of this song’s conceit, highlighting the fact that what really sets it apart is the way that Robyn seems first and foremost concerned with the well-being of this guy’s girlfriend. This really does get to the heart of what makes Robyn such an interesting and refreshing pop singer — whereas a lot of pop music has gone very hostile and toxic over the past couple decades, she emphasizes kindness and decency even when she’s stealing someone’s man. But you know, it’s still a song about boyfriend stealing! And if you’re focusing on her uncommon generosity or the fact that, yeah, this guy really does have to call his girlfriend and dump her in the most humane way possible, it’s a feel-good sentiment. But what if you’re the girlfriend in question? If you listen to this from her perspective, it is basically the most smug song in the universe! A universe that includes several dozen Kanye West songs! I mean, it’s awfully easy to be super nice about this when you’re the winner in this situation. I can imagine hearing this song and just resenting Robyn so much, you know? Nevertheless, if you are ever in this situation, you should absolutely take Robyn’s advice. It’s very good and everyone should be so thoughtful.

Buy it from Amazon.

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