March 16th, 2010 6:02am

What Might Set You Off

White Hinterland “Bow & Arrow”

The new White Hinterland album is a creative departure for Casey Dienel, whose music had previously been focused on jazzy piano chords and fairly obscure lyrics. The piano is almost entirely missing now, replaced by synthesizers and a variety of percussion, and her words have taken a refreshing turn toward direct, economical language. She’s opened up emotionally, and her high voice has more room to emote in arrangements without as much treble and far more negative space. “Bow & Arrow” is one of the most successful of the new songs, and one of her best arrangements to date. As the music shifts between clattering nervousness and a forthright yet placid groove, Dienel sings from the perspective of a woman trying to navigate a difficult patch with her partner. It’s a very mature and sensitive song, avoiding hysteria and owning up to her own complications without seeming weak.

Buy it from Amazon.

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