January 6th, 2010 11:07am

I See The Wind Blow

Toro Y Moi “Blessa”

There’s some interesting movement in this piece — circular motions, lateral progressions, synthesizer washes that seem to rise up like mist — but the thing that stands out is how bits of sound seem to get knocked from their course, as if the lines run into a force field and either bounce off or immediately disappear into the ether. The ending is a surprising digression, far more tactile and anxious after the mellow mood blinks out entirely, and all that’s left is an emotional void.

Buy it from Amazon.

Julianna Barwick “The Highest”

This is aesthetically closer to a whale song than an R&B tune, but I hear some swing and groove in this, lost somewhere in the waves of sound. It could be the echo of something I’m half-remembering, some phrasing or texture that’s mutated as memory fades. This would seem to be the goal of a lot of atmosphere-oriented music these days — reconstructing memory from fragments of feelings. I’m not sure if that’s where Barwick is coming from, but it’s certainly how this works for me.

Buy it from Julianna Barwick.

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