November 23rd, 2009 8:57am

The Silent Treatment Isn’t Helping

Lacrosse “I See A Brightness”

The verses of “I See A Brightness” are less like a conversation and more like a split-screen. The girl is the optimist, hoping for a resolution to her conflict with the guy, who is far more hurt and insists that their relationship is over. There’s no back story provided, but it’s pretty clear that if someone has caused this rift, it’s probably her — she certainly sounds like someone who wants to force someone else to compromise while having everything work out in a way that is totally convenient to her wishes. Even still, the guy is being petty and unreasonable as he attempts to shut off an intense emotional bond. The chorus is where the communication comes in. He’s not totally on board with her desire to mend what’s broken, but he’s coming around. The brightness she is promising could just be a brief flash of joy and forgiveness before falling back in the same old negative patterns, but it’s probably worth a shot.

Buy it from Amazon.

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