September 23rd, 2009 9:51am

I Feel Much Stranger About You

Little Dragon “A New”

Some singers rely on lyrics that convey their meaning with directness and precision, but Yukimi Nagano is the type to let her words roughly sketch out a feeling that she embellishes with her voice. This approach puts more faith in the unique effects of music — you could say what you need to say if you have to, but singing can successfully communicate nuances that writing and conversation will typically fail. “A New” is not exactly inscrutable, but you can better intuit the connections between Nagano’s lines, and sense her wonder and confusion as everything she understood about someone is upended, and she attempts to sort it out. Are things better? Are things worse? Has nothing actually changed? It’s hard to say, but I’m sure that she doesn’t know, and that’s the point.

Buy it from Amazon.

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