June 9th, 2009 9:22am

Can’t Think About Too Much Too Hard

Milberg “It Was The End”

This song sounds very good on repeat, as a loop of bittersweet finality without an actual ending. Lisa Milberg’s voice is cool and removed, but she also sounds sweet and empathetic as she sings about a girl who may or may not actually be herself. As nice as her vocal melody may be, this composition is mostly about the track itself, which evokes just the right balance of muted melancholy and faded joy.

Visit Lisa Milberg’s MySpace page.

It Hugs Back “Forgotten Song”

Curl up in a ball. Lie flat on your back, staring at the ceiling. Look out the window. Lean back in your seat. Melt into the couch. Pull up the covers. Listen to that guitar, and the way the arpeggios tangle with the elegance of nature. The notes ring out, perfect in tone, floating in the air long after the sound is gone. Let your mind go, and fall asleep.

Buy it from Amazon.

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