July 14th, 2004 2:22pm

It’s A Thing That You Sing When You Don’t Want To Ring

Annie “Heartbeat” – Frustratingly, I cannot seem to find much information about this track anywhere online, largely owing to the fact that the name “Annie” and the word “Heartbeat” are not specific enough to be Google-friendly. This single was apparently produced by Royksopp, but I don’t fully understand Norwegian, so I cannot be sure. Either way, this is a fine disco single, even surpassing her greatest hit, er, “The Greatest Hit.” (Click here to visit Annie’s official website.)

Datarock “I Used To Dance With My Daddy” – It is only coincidental that both of today’s songs are by Norwegian artists. I’m not trying to prove that I have love for all of Scandinavia, though I certainly do. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this a fine bit of electropop, but there is an odd, distinct goofiness to the vocals which seems both ridiculous and vaguely terrifying, sort of like a circus clown. (Click here to visit the band’s official website, where more MP3s are available.)

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